weatherXchange® makes it easy to design and price index-based weather protection by offering standard weather risk contract types that cover typical risk profiles for different industries. These are a starting point in tailoring a weather protection contract to your needs.
Once designed, a contract can be saved. Each contract is private to your login. A saved contract can be copied and modified to make it easy to compare the costs and benefits of variations of different parameters of a contract: for example the impact of changing the level of an index at which a payout starts.
weatherXchange currently provides about 3,000 tradable Reference Stations and Baskets worldwide. If data is not available for a location near you, please contact us. We may be able to source more data or, if you have a weather station, it may be possible to use data from that subject to quality checks. We are also able to provided gridded data worldwide.

Renewables Wind
Click here for more information.

Renewables Hydro

Renewables Solar



Retail & Wholesale

Tourism & Leisure


Marine contracts are currently handled outside the weatherXchange platform using our Marine Gridded Data.
Access to this product through weatherXchange will be coming soon. Please contact us for further information.