Calculation Services

Certain buyers of weather protection, particularly those involved in energy markets may require daily valuations during the life of the contract. This may be to allow a daily Profit-and-Loss to be reported for internal risk management or for regulatory purposes. Other standard market-risk metrics may also be required.

Speedwell Calculation Services (SCS) is a post-trade service providing the necessary information to manage a weather contract and understand how its value changes on a day-by-day basis. SCS integrates the latest weather observations and numerical weather forecasts to automatically generate end-of-day valuations and risk metrics. SCS provides industry-standard "Mark-to-Market" and "Mark-to-Model" as well as VaR, option greeks and maximum loss metrics. These can be easily downloaded for importing into in-house systems.

Calculation Services can be requested on the weatherXchange® Platform and may be delivered through the Platform for standard trades. More complex trades including "quantos" can be supported off-Platform.

This service is provided by Speedwell Calculation Services Limited and is chargeable.

For more information please see the Documents section.